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The Lost Cartogrophers - We Have a Blog (Introductions)

Updated: Mar 1, 2019

Hi! Welcome to Millennial Atlas! Today is a great, wonderful day, for our site has launched! If you’re reading this, that means you’ve clicked into a space meant to help you figure out who you are and where you want to be in your life through the experiences and opinions we share on this site, along with through our companion podcast series “What Now?” (The podcast where unqualified people answer life’s biggest questions). In this, the first of many, blog post, we hope to give you a small introduction to who we are as people, along with our hopes and plans for the future of both this blog and the podcast. The podcast and blog might not talk about the same things, but sometimes they might work hand-in-hand with one another. The only way to find out is to subscribe and follow us for more unique and awesome content. Our new podcasts will be posted at 13:00 on Wednesdays and our new blog posts will be posted at 13:00 on Saturdays (for those of you that don’t use military time, that’s 1:00 PM (central time, just in case you’re in a different time-zone than we are). Without further ado, here’s a bit more about us.


Josie - Mapping it Out

Hi, I’m Josie! I’m so glad that you are here on this journey with me and Drew. We’ve been talking for years about how we wanted to spread ideas about our lives, our experiences, and other things we wished people had yelled at us earlier in life. I currently reside in Dubuque, Iowa working for a college. There are so many things that I hope to share with you and everyone else who has chosen to join us on this journey. We have decided to break up this blog posts in to two voices because Drew and I have such different experiences in our lives. I wanted to make sure neither of our voices got swallowed up by the other. I spend my time at work, writing, listening to music, or playing video games. I do have a social life, but it usually comes after those other things I just listed. Through my blog posts I hope to share who I am, what I believe, and hopefully share a new perspective of the world.

Ever since the tender age of about eleven I’ve had exactly one dream -- I want to own a nonprofit for kids. The general purpose of this non profit has changed several times over the years, but the holistic idea has never changed. I want to help kids in the foster care system somehow. I was adopted at the tender age of seven months from an orphanage in China. I would never change this about myself, but I aim to help other youngsters who need homes and loving families. The experiences are different of course, but I try to make sure that no child doesn’t have a chance to be a kid. This means that they have a chance to succeed and grow from small mistakes in life. I have been putting a lot of thought into this, and I hope to one day make this into a reality. I’m sure that you will learn more about me through these blog posts and my individual posts. Can't’ wait to see you next week!


Drew - Routes of Irregularity

Hi! I’m Drew. I currently live in Columbia Missouri, and I work full-time running a scout shop and processing membership paperwork for the Boy Scouts of America. I have a wonderful cat named Dale, who loves belly rubs and cuddling, who I adopted from the Humane Society here in the area. I enjoy spending time outside in nature to focus on my relationship with the universe. I also really just like being outside. I spend my days (off the clock) finding ways to entertain myself. A lot of the time, my entertainment centers around creating whatever my brain can think of. One day I hope to own a 3D printer, so that some of my ideas and designs can have a physical form rather than one simply on paper. I do also spend a good chunk of time playing video and board games (I prefer board games, but typically don’t have enough people to play them, so I settle for those of the video variety).

I enjoy writing in my free time. My mind tends to not stop running, but when I write, my mind slows down and can focus a little more about what is going on in the moment. Writing is relaxing to me. It lets my mind expand, not only on my ideas but also on the ideas of others. With this blog, I hope to bring you some insight on how my mind processes the things in the world that I notice. I also hope that the experiences that I talk about from my life, might help you through whatever you might have going on in yours. I have hopes that this creative outlet will also help bring productive thoughts towards those who read it, because when I write, I write from the heart. You might even get a chance to read some of my poetry. We’ll see.


Thanks for reading a bit about our creators! A lot of insightful and creative content is in the future of this blog (and podcast). In future blog posts, we will be separating the content and also write together. As you can see from this post, when we write together Josie will be in Italic Text and Drew will be in Bold. When we write alone, you’ll be able to tell who is writing via the blog series the post is included in. Josie's individual posts will be in the “Mapping it out" while Drew’s individual posts will be in the “Routes of Irregularity." When we work together, the post series will be “The Lost Cartogrophers” If you want to stay in the know and current with our posts, subscribe to our blog and podcast, so that you can get notified of future content. Links to the podcast, our subscription link, and our twitter are below, so you can stay in the know that way as well.

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