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The Blog

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Check out the different series of blogs we have:

  • The Lost Cartographers - Posts where both of our authors give insight on a topic

  • What Now? - The companion blog for our podcast

  • Mapping it Our - Blog posts by Josie

  • Routes of Irregularity - Blog posts by Drew

  • Minimalism. - Josie's guide to the minimalist life

Opening the Map

Welcome to my first post about minimalism! My name is Josie and I am a minimalist. There are a lot of reasons why people become...

Hustle Harder

There are a lot of phrases and slogans that I have adapted at one point or another in my life. Some of these quotes are cliche's like,...

The Musical Agenda

All throughout my life, music has been there. My mom loved singing, so naturally she sang to her children a lot while we grew up (she...

Scouting For All

If it wasn’t for the Boy Scout of America, I would not be the person I am today. My experiences with the scouts taught me: How to...

A Liberal Football Fan

There are lots of labels that I would use to identify myself as. Two of those things are liberal and a sports fan. I am what many would...

A Promo! What Now?

Check out the promo for our podcast! What Now: the podcast where unqualified people try to answer life's biggest questions. Link: ...

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